Poi c’e’ stata la nomina di Stven Chu, premio Nobel per la fisica e direttore del LBL (centro di ricerca dove stavo lavorando) come Segretary of Energy per il governo Obama. Mi sento proprio fortunato ad averci parlato di persona qualche settimana prima, quando lui mi ha dato contro per non aver attraversato sulle strisce pedonali (solito italiano!) e, durante un incontro plenario con tutti i dipendenti (circa 3000), ha citato il mio caso (per fortuna non conosce il mio nome) come esempio di mancata attenzione sulle norme di sicurezza... ora mi sento importante.
Nel frattempo anche sta volta non e’ stato facile lasciare un ambiente al quale ci si era affezionati. Da gennaio si torna in Irlanda per iniziare una nuova avvetura in quel di Galway, appena trovo casa siete tutti i benvenuti!
Auguri di cuore. A presto,

During this Christmas night I whish you a Merry Christmas and an happy new year. The last month of this great experience in California has flown really quickly!
Overall I was a weekend in Seattle and Vancouver (intense but much worth!).
Lately Steven Chu, winner of the physics Nobel Prize and director of the LBL (research center where I was working), was appointed as Secretary of Energy of the Obama’s govern. I feel really lucky also because I had the chance to speak with him in person a couple of weeks before. It was when he was cursing at me because I crossed the road without passing on the zebra (I am the classic of Italian laziness!). The most important thing was that he used my example in the plenary session about safety with more than 3000 people attending. I was really lucky because he didn’t ask my name and he couldn’t recognize me anymore thanks to a new short cut.
Anyway at the end I left Berkeley and California and I must nostalgically confess that was not so easy to leave all those people that I had been living with for the last 4 months… but this is part of the life I have chosen for the last year: always moving form one place to another. From the 13 of January I’ll be back to Ireland and you will be more than welcome to visit me as soon as I’ll get an accommodation for myself.
Best wishes! talk to you soon,
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